Historical Weather Data by State
These archives contain historical weather data for all ZIP codes in the US. ZIP codes in the weather data are grouped by states.
This product allows you to download archives of historical weather data by state for all ZIP codes in the USA.
Each archive includes weather data:
- for all ZIP codes within the state that you have chosen
- for one chosen year (Currently available for 2018 and 2019. Other years are coming soon.)
The downloaded weather archive will contain a set of files. Each of these files contains historical data for one ZIP code.
Weather data archive includes 15 weather parameters, such as temperature, precipitation, wind and many more. Data is provided with hourly step in CSV format.
Price varies by state, since each state has a different number of ZIP codes. Price per state can be found here.
You can find more about ways to access our historical data on our price page.
How to get historical weather data by state
To request historical data, please follow these steps:
- Go to the OpenWeatherMap Marketplace and choose the "Historical Weather Data by State for all ZIP codes, USA" product.
- Select the state you are interested in.
- Select the year from the archive.
- Click on the "Place order" button and check your order details.
- To complete the checkout process, please click on the "Checkout" button and proceed to payment.
After the successful payment you will be able to find your order in two ways:
- You will also receive an email with the link to download your current order.
- All purchases can be found in your personal account, in the "Order" section.

Weather parameters
Time of data calculation, unix, UTCdt_iso
Date and time in UTC formattimezone
Shift in seconds from UTCcity_id
ZIP codecity_name
City namelat
Geographical coordinates of the location (latitude)lon
Geographical coordinates of the location (longitude)temp
Temperature, Kelvinfeels_like
This temperature parameter accounts for the human perception of weather, Kelvintemp_min
Minimum temperature at the moment. This is deviation from temperature that is possible for large cities and megalopolises geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally), Kelvintemp_max
Maximum temperature at the moment. This is deviation from temperature that is possible for large cities and megalopolises geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally), Kelvinpressure
Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level), hPasea_level
Sea level pressure, hPagrnd_level
Ground level pressure, hPahumidity
Humidity, %wind_speed
Wind speed, meter/secwind_deg
Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)rain_1h
Rain volume for the last hour, mmrain_3h
Rain volume for the last 3 hours, mmsnow_1h
Snow volume for the last hour, mm (in liquid state)snow_3h
Snow volume for the last 3 hours, mm (in liquid state)clouds_all
Cloudiness, %weather_id
Weather condition id (more info Weather condition codes)weather_main
Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme etc.)weather_description
Weather condition within the group. Please find more hereweather_icon
Weather icon id (more info Weather icon)
List of states, ZIP codes and price
State name | Number of ZIP codes | Price |
Alabama | 811 | 1,000 USD |
Alaska | 273 | 400 USD |
Arizona | 528 | 700 USD |
Arkansas | 705 | 1,000 USD |
California | 2591 | 1,500 USD |
Colorado | 645 | 700 USD |
Connecticut | 429 | 700 USD |
Delaware | 96 | 200 USD |
District of Columbia | 277 | 400 USD |
Florida | 1472 | 1,300 USD |
Georgia | 952 | 1,000 USD |
Hawai`i | 137 | 400 USD |
Idaho | 320 | 400 USD |
Illinois | 1575 | 1,300 USD |
Indiana | 967 | 1,000 USD |
Iowa | 1055 | 1,300 USD |
Kansas | 747 | 1,000 USD |
Kentucky | 946 | 1,000 USD |
Louisiana | 719 | 1,000 USD |
Maine | 485 | 700 USD |
Maryland | 605 | 700 USD |
Massachusetts | 684 | 700 USD |
Michigan | 1159 | 1,300 USD |
Minnesota | 991 | 1,000 USD |
Mississippi | 531 | 700 USD |
Missouri | 1156 | 1,300 USD |
Montana | 404 | 700 USD |
Nebraska | 620 | 700 USD |
Nevada | 253 | 400 USD |
New Hampshire | 281 | 400 USD |
New Jersey | 723 | 1,000 USD |
New Mexico | 427 | 700 USD |
New York | 2153 | 1,500 USD |
North Carolina | 1081 | 1,300 USD |
North Dakota | 407 | 700 USD |
Ohio | 1415 | 1,300 USD |
Oklahoma | 764 | 1,000 USD |
Oregon | 478 | 700 USD |
Pennsylvania | 2176 | 1,500 USD |
Rhode Island | 90 | 200 USD |
South Carolina | 534 | 700 USD |
South Dakota | 385 | 400 USD |
Tennessee | 785 | 1,000 USD |
Texas | 2598 | 1,500 USD |
Utah | 346 | 400 USD |
Vermont | 308 | 400 USD |
Virginia | 1214 | 1,300 USD |
Washington | 716 | 1,000 USD |
West Virginia | 851 | 1,000 USD |
Wisconsin | 896 | 1,000 USD |
Wyoming | 195 | 400 USD |

List of the weather condition codes
List of the weather condition codes with icons (range of thunderstorm, drizzle, rain, snow, clouds, atmosphere etc.) can be found here.